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Why Join The NHC?

When you join the National History Club, you join students and teachers from around the country in discovering, learning, reading, writing, teaching, and living history. Our main goal with the NHC is to bring students and teachers with a real passion for history together, helping them learn from the ideas and activities that are exchanged through our eNewsletter, eUpdates, and other communication methods. We do not limit the scope of activities that a chapter may participate in—each club is allowed to navigate its own course. This allows for a wide-range of really interesting activities that are displayed in each Newsletter and on our website. Schools are free to decide whether their chapter will be a regular History Club (open to all) or a History Honor Society (with specific requirements for induction). The NHC also co-sponsors multiple award programs to recognize outstanding student members, Advisors, and chapters.


Tri-annual eNewsletter featuring lots of interesting chapter accounts.



Monthly eBlast featuring announcements and offers from history organizations throughout the country, including free history book offers through HarperCollins Publishers.


"History Student of the Year" award (autographed history book given to one recipient in each chapter.) - Co-sponsored by Mount Vernon and sent out every spring. We have been partnering with Mount Vernon on this award for 18 years.


National Advisor of the Year (six recipients) - Co-sponsored by The History List. Plaques sent to Advisors as well as a custom designed "History Teacher" shirt.


History Club of the Year (ten recipients) - Plaques of recognition sent to Clubs and also a free year's subscription to The Concord Review.


National History Scholars Society (for students maintaining B or higher GPA in at least one honors history class, 2+ years in History Club, and recommendation by Advisor. All students receive honor cords to wear at graduation --- modest fee applies for the cords). NHSS Guidelines

How To Start a Chapter?

It's easy to start a NHC chapter at your school! Click here to download our How to Start a History Club Chapter Guide! Here's some advice on how to successfully maintain a chapter from Williams Bay High School (WI), whose club has grown in 10 years from six students to 122 (school population is 185): How To Grow A Chapter!


Thinking about starting a History Honor Society? Read Franklin High School's (TN) Constitution to see how they structured their group.


Students and/or teachers with an interest in history can apply for a charter to join NHC. Here's how:


Write a letter requesting membership in National History Club on official school stationary. The letter must include:


  • Name of NHC Advisor [teacher]

  • Advisor's Contact Information [school address, phone number, and e-mail address]

  • Names of students planning to join the Chapter with the e-mail addresses of any officers

  • $95 enrollment fee (please make check out to National History Club). Dues for subsequent years are $60.


Please send the letter to:

National History Club
P.O. Box 957

Westwood, MA 02090


You may also email your letter requesting chapter membership (with same requirements) to Robert Nasson. Payment of enrollment fee can be made electronically through clicking on the "donate now" button at the top of the page.

You will receive an official framed charter to recognize your membership in NHC in about 7-10 business days. Any questions about the process can be directed to Robert Nasson, Executive Director.





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